Dustybutts ‘Afterburner’ Square Short Shank Lifter Bit

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Dustybutts ‘Afterburner’ Square Short Shank Lifter Bit

Dustybutts ‘Afterburner’ Square Short Shank Lifter Bit

Regular price $170.00
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This lifter offers gag action combined with a setback curb chain to cause a quick reaction with lift and collection but a delay in the mouthpiece action helps to create shoulder and hip control without the binding of a no gag bit.  It should help with more control when working on bend, rate, and lift in both young and the more seasoned horses. 

The Mullen Mouthpiece is excellent for horses with too much natural bend.

“For horses that have a tendency to put their weight to the outside, the mullen helps square them up so when you drop to one hand and pull them toward the barrel, they don’t put all that weight on the outside shoulder and float away from you. It brings the shoulder more to you so you can get that weight to the inside.”

Jordon Briggs

We recommend this bit to be used with bit guards and curb chain/ strap.

Mouthpiece 5.25” - Square Mullen Mouthpiece 

Cheek Piece 5”

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