Dustybutts Beaded Mullen Mouth Jr Cowhorse Bit

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Dustybutts Beaded Mullen Mouth Jr Cowhorse Bit

Dustybutts Beaded Mullen Mouth Jr Cowhorse Bit

Regular price $145.00
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TheJR Cow horse bits are designed to encourage a horse to break at the poll.
Its a moderate gag bit that is popular for the transition between a snaffle and a curb bit in a young horse. This shank will give more leverage while maintaining a soft feel, making this bit good for lateral control and collection.

Mullen mouth bits are perfect for horses that are noodley or prone to dropping their shoulder combined with the beaded mouthpiece provides a pacifier for nervous horses and increases salivation which naturally relaxes the jaw promoting more effective response to the bit.  The beads also roll on the bars of the mouth preventing over reaction to bar pressure.

A step up from the snaffle allowing the rider to move forward to the next level of training. We recommend this bit to be adjusted to fit with one wrinkle in the horse's mouth and a loose curb strap to allow 2-3 fingers.  A wonderful choice when transitioning from a D-Ring or O-Ring snaffle.

We recommend this bit to be used with bit guards and curb chain / curb strap due to the small bridle ring - approximately 1” across 

Mouthpiece 5.25” - Brass Beads and Dogbone Roller

Cheekpiece 6”

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